
We need to build future economic pathways based on zero carbon emissions


We build new paths and pave existing ones to attribute and generate value for our customers and stakeholders.


We monetize decarbonization quickly, with low transactional costs and fully auditable.

We at Plan C are very concerned about unlocking this market in Brazil, designing a solid pipeline of projects, with methodologies recognized by science and international organizations.

We look at solving climate problems beyond carbon

Our team

Weber Amaral

Weber Amaral

PhD from Harvard University Partner and Founder of VPB, Consultancy and former CEO of the Fund, Brazilian Center for Biofuels Senior Scientist, CGIAR, World Bank Votorantim Celulose e Papel R&D Manager

Arthur Covatti

Arthur Covatti

Engineer from the Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA) Co-founder and CEO of DEEP Solid experience in Mergers and Acquisitions in Ártica Investments and Equity Research Board member of Gastromotiva and Instituto Alpha Lumen

Bernardo Fabiani

Bernardo Fabiani

Engineer from the Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA) Founder and CEO of TerraMagna Solid experience in capital markets for Agribusiness and in geosatellite technologies

Paulo Miranda

Paulo Miranda

Master's degree from Syracuse University, New York Co-founder and CSO of DEEP Senior director in other organizations in Brazil, Latin America and Spain. Worked with the main international organizations (OAS/UN, World Bank/IFC, IDB)


What we bring to the Carbon Market

  • 0

    Years of experience

  • 0

    Custom projects

  • 0

    Distributed carbon credits

  • 0

    Restored hectares

Our shareholders


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